Ważne żeby bohater mógł wybudować FENCE - bo my zrobiliśmy dobry kod ale nasz bohater miał zły MŁOTEK i nie mógł wybudować FENCE (użyjcie tego z lochu Kidhgarda)

// Get the hero and the peasant to the south.

// The function move your hero down along the center line.
function moveDownCenter() {
    var x = 40;
    var y = hero.pos.y - 12;
    hero.moveXY(x, y);

// The function build a fence on the right of something.
function buildRightOf(something) {
    // buildXY a "fence" 20 meters to something's right.
    hero.buildXY("fence", something.pos.x + 20, something.pos.y);

// The function build a fence on the left of something.
function buildLeftOf(something) {
    // buildXY a "fence" 20 meters to something's left.
    hero.buildXY("fence", something.pos.x - 20, something.pos.y);

while(true) {
    var ogre = hero.findNearestEnemy();
    var coin = hero.findNearestItem();
    if (ogre) {
    if (coin) {
















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