# Buduj tylko ,gdy widzisz wrogów

# funkcja posiada TRZY parametry
def maybeBuildSomething(typeToBuild, x, y):
    hero.moveXY(x, y)
    # Znajdź najbliższego wroga
    enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
    # Jeśli jest tam wróg.
    if enemy:

        # Use the variable typeToBuild as a first argument.
        hero.buildXY(typeToBuild, x, y)

# You don't need to change the code below.
while True:
    # Call maybeBuildSomething with "fire-trap" and the coordinates of the bottom X.
    maybeBuildSomething("fire-trap", 40, 20)
    # Call maybeBuildSomething, with "fence" at the left X!
    maybeBuildSomething("fence", 26, 34)
    # Call maybeBuildSomething with "fire-trap" at the top X!
    maybeBuildSomething("fire-trap", 40, 50)
    # Call maybeBuildSomething with "fence" at the right X!
    maybeBuildSomething("fence", 54, 34)











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